miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Post Ten

As this is the last blog of the semester, the topic this time is "English Language Challenges".

My experience with the english class this semester is pretty good, I think It was funnier than last semester's so I've liked It. I'm not sure how much my english has improve because we only had like 3 hours a week in which we were speaking in english almost the hole class. But now I know more words than before, so at least my vocabulary has increase.

I think writing blogs is really useful to practice your english, because many times happens to me that I want to say something, but I don't remember the correct word, I mean, I know plenty of words, but I don't use them really often so I just forget about them. Also, I usually forget how to write correctly the words or I get insecure about it even when I write them rightly xD So I believe writing is a good way to practice and improve your vocabulary skills even though is kind of boring.

I love watching movies, tv series and even youtube videos, so I usually watch them in english and If the vocabulary is too complicated or too technical I turn on the english subs. I also read in english sometimes, and I always listen to (and I sing too) the music I have in my cellphone which is 70% in english. So, listening and reading in english is almost a daily part of my life, but I don't really practice my speaking, I do have a few friends who speak a little of english, but we just say bad words or take english as a joke. I think should speak more in english so I guess I can try talking to myself in english sometimes.

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