As this is the last blog of the semester, the topic this time is "English Language Challenges".
My experience with the english class this semester is pretty good, I think It was funnier than last semester's so I've liked It. I'm not sure how much my english has improve because we only had like 3 hours a week in which we were speaking in english almost the hole class. But now I know more words than before, so at least my vocabulary has increase.
I love watching movies, tv series and even youtube videos, so I usually watch them in english and If the vocabulary is too complicated or too technical I turn on the english subs. I also read in english sometimes, and I always listen to (and I sing too) the music I have in my cellphone which is 70% in english. So, listening and reading in english is almost a daily part of my life, but I don't really practice my speaking, I do have a few friends who speak a little of english, but we just say bad words or take english as a joke. I think should speak more in english so I guess I can try talking to myself in english sometimes.
speak english is my weak area too :c